People are a valuable resource. Anyone who is running an agency understands this basic truth. This is the reason why it’s so difficult to lose team members who you’ve invested in and are greatly contributing to your success. How do you know the signs someone is leaving? What are some of the things you can do to move the needle? 

This is what Chris talks about in this week’s episode. Chris shares some of the common issues that team members face that lead them to move out of your agency. He also gives out some of the philosophies that are practiced at BLOOM that will benefit the team and the owners as well. 

Check out the full episode today. 

Discussion Points:

  • 0:00 Introduction 
  • 2:25 Chris shares his personal experience with valuable team members leaving 
  • 3:36 First thing you need to be aware of when something is going on with a team member 
  • 5:25 Creating an environment where people are okay with sharing things 
  • 5:39 Meetings – are these people showing up late for meetings?
  • 7:47 Deadlines – are they missing deadlines?
  • 9:29 Disengagement – are they verbalizing their goals?
  • 11:59 A team member has a drama with another team member
  • 14:06 A promotion – are team members getting passed by?
  • 15:40 Owners being an asshole 
  • 17:52 Keep your people happy, treat them well 
  • 18:33 Empower your folks to do amazing work 
  • 21:00 People will move on eventually 
  • 23:46 Bridge, connect, and deliver