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FREE Job Description Templates for Marketing Agencies

Are you spending too much time crafting job descriptions for your marketing agency? Do you find it challenging to articulate the specific skills and qualifications needed for your roles? 

We’ve got the perfect solution for you. 

Here are the job description templates that you can choose from: 

– Project Manager
– Account Manager
– Web Developer 
– Web Designer
– SEO Specialist
– PPC Specialist
– Executive Assistant 

E-book: How to Hire Rockstar Employees For Half the Price

Do you have…

  • – A successful agency, but know you can’t scale without the right team
  • – Trouble finding, acquiring, and retaining top talent
  • – A dislike of hiring and feel like you suck at it
  • – The burning desire to break the status quo
Then this free E-book we made it’s just for you! After going through the hiring process over 100 times while expanding our team, we have found the right way to hire the best employees for your digital agency. 

E-book: 25 Mistakes of Digital Agencies Make When Outsourcing ang How to Fix Them

Hey there, Chris here and thanks so much for downloading our free report.

Before you go I want to share with you the #1 secret to outsourcing successfully.

Now before I share that with you I want to briefly tell you my story because it’s probably very similar to your own – especially if you’re running an agency and struggling with keeping up with the workload / production needs.


How to Run Highly-Effective Company Meetings That Always Get Results

You probably didn’t start out your agency life managing a bunch of people, but over time your business grew and now you probably have a handful of team members that you’re working with.

Did you know that most digital agency owners are not running effective agency meetings? Learn how to turn the tide on this Training with Chris Martinez!

How to improve client retention so you can make what you deserve in your digital agency

Do you know how many of your clients are leaving you every month?

If you want to solve your client retention problems and double your profitability then watch this Live Training on “How to Improve Client Retention So You Can Make What You Deserve in Your Digital Agency”.

E-book: 37 Things you Can Outsource to BLOOM

Download our free ebook:  37 Things You Can Outsource to BLOOM. 

After reading through this E-book you will discover: 

  • The projects to offload so you can truly  scale your agency.
  • And how your can grow your agency by $12k-$25k+/mo with BLOOM.

Did you know that a Job Description is the MOST IMPORTANT tool to get the most out of your employees?

Get a FREE Copy of Our Job Descriptions Now.

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