All entrepreneurs and agency owners I know never want to make a bad hire and regret it later on. I’m sure I made every hiring mistake imaginable back in the day. But now that I’ve learned my lesson, I want you to avoid making the same costly mistakes I did.

In this episode, I’m going to share with you the top red flags you need to look out for when evaluating candidates.The things you’re going to learn here could mean the difference between finding your dream employee or ending up with someone who is not a good fit for your company.

So if you’re hiring or planning to hire new people and you want to learn the red flags to look out for in the interview process, then definitely listen to this podcast!

Discussion Points:

00:00 Intro

02:51 First Managerial Experience

04:55 Never Hire Out of Desperation

05:24 Never Hire Someone Who Isn’t Fit for the Job

07:05 Don’t Rush the Process

07:48 Conduct a Phone Interview

09:16 Red Flag #1: Blaming

10:30 Red Flag #2: No Technical Knowledge and Experience

11:34 Red Flag #3: Not Providing Previous Work Experience

13:10 Red Flag #4: Being Defensive

14:29 Red Flag #5: Doesn’t Want to Work with Other People

15:03 Red Flag #6: Unwillingness to Sacrifice for the Team

18:12 Recap and Final Thoughts

18:55 Outro