Our Process

At Bloom, we help marketing agencies overcome specific challenges based on their growth stage.

Whether you're in the Launching, Validating, Developing, Professionalizing, or Exiting stage, our proven process will help you scale, increase profitability, and build a sustainable, successful business.

How We Help You Grow

When you work with us, we start by developing a custom, 35+ page Business and Growth Plan. This in-depth plan includes:

After two live calls where we review the areas of opportunity, you’ll know exactly what steps are needed to grow.

If you choose to move forward with our help, we don’t just advise—we implement.

After two live calls where we review the areas of opportunity, you’ll know exactly what steps are needed to grow.

If you choose to move forward with our help, we don’t just advise—we implement.


Master your numbers to make smarter, data-driven decisions.


Hold everyone accountable, including yourself, with measurable goals.


Clear, written goals with defined success criteria.


Build the best team to achieve your goals.


Implement scalable processes that ensure long-term success.

We’re With You Every Step of the Way

We don’t just tell you what to do and leave you on your own. With Bloom, you’re assigned a dedicated Growth Mentor who works alongside you, ensuring you’re staying on track, hitting your targets, and completing every step of the plan. Our hands-on approach means we’re as invested in your success as you are.

The Results You Can Expect

By working with us, you’ll experience more than just guidance—you’ll see real, measurable results. On average, our clients achieve

+ 18.7% revenue growth
+ 39.47% gross margin growth
+ 234.90% net profit growth

In the first 90 days of working with us.

Beyond financial improvements, we help you build a scalable business model that can run without your constant involvement. Our structured process ensures sustainable growth at every stage of your agency’s lifecycle.

Book a Free Strategy Call Now

Ready to take your agency to the next level? We’re here to help you grow, scale, and prepare for a profitable exit. Schedule your free strategy call today to start building the agency you’ve always envisioned.

Don’t wait—start your journey now!

Frequently asked questions

What specific services does Bloom offer to help marketing agencies scale their operations?

When clients come to us they are using feeling “stuck”.  Stuck in the sense that they have gotten to a level of success, but they can’t figure out how to get to the next level in their business.  They are using experience problems like: 

  • – Fulfillment issues and deadlines getting missed. 
  • – Churn rates are higher than they were before and they can’t figure out why. 
  • – People are underperforming
  • – Recruiting and not being able to staff fast enough or with the right people. 
  • – Team members don’t have proper training
  • – Inconsistent sales numbers and quota attainment. 
  • – Leadership Team doesn’t know how to solve problems (or no Leadership Team at all)
  • – Lack of SOPs and Processes in the business so a lot of inefficiency. 
  • – Agency owner is the biggest bottleneck in the business. 
  • – Little to no grasp on the agency’s financial health. 
  • – No financial plan or budgets for the departments. 
  • Gross Profit and Profit per Client is missing. 
  • – Low Net Profit and no plan on how to improve that.  

So these are the main problems that we help solve for agencies.  Every agency is different which is why we create custom solutions for each client.  We have plans that are DIY and we have plans that are more DFY.  But either way, you’ll always get a custom plan and direct consulting with our team so that we help you scale your agency.

100% yes. In fact, anyone who does NOT give you a custom plan/services is not taking you down the correct path. Every agency is different and so to truly solve your problems you need a custom plan that works specifically for YOU.

When you work with BLOOM we look at your business and your numbers and figure out exactly what is going on. We look at what’s going right and what is going wrong and then we come up with a custom strategy to fix those issues and then show you how it’s improving the business from the numbers.

Essentially BLOOM pays for itself because we help you make more profit (and not just more revenue).
The first step is to schedule a 20-minute call with our team so we can see what’s going on in your business and decide if we can help you. If you have clients and you have employees then most likely we can help you. With that being said, if you’re a brand new startup and don’t have either of those then we probably are not a good fit at this time.

After that 20-min call, if we can help you then we will schedule you for our Profit Accelerator Business Analysis (or PABA). Inside the PABA you’ll have (2) one-on-one calls with our team where we will analyze your team structure and leadership and then we’ll create your financial plan called a Pro Forma and we’ll show you EXACTLY what changes you need to make in the business to hit your goals. It will be crystal clear on what steps you need to take to get to that next level.

With the PABA you can take the plan and execute and implement the strategies yourself or you can hire us to help you.
Yes, there are lots of case studies and examples of marketing agencies that we have helped. And actually on the page to book an appointment you can see a video of a lot of the clients we have helped.
Our biggest expertise is that we know marketing agencies better than anyone else. Of course we know operations, finance, HR, Marketing, Sales, and Customer Experience, but our biggest benefit for you is that we actually know YOU (and sometimes we know you better than you know yourself.

We have been in this industry for over 12 years and we don’t serve any other industries but marketing agencies. We know your challenges with hiring, firing, fulfillment, lead gen, training, technology, profitability, etc, etc, etc, etc. Running a marketing agency is incredibly difficult and if you don’t have a guide that knows the industry inside and out then your path to success will just take longer.
The first thing we do is look at your org chart, leadership structure, and the NUMBERS. The numbers don’t lie and this is something you’ll hear us say a lot. We measure everything with FACTS and NOT FEELINGS.

Once we look at the facts then we can figure out what is going on in the business and what needs to be fixed. It’s like a doctor running blood tests and MRIs and analyzing the situation before writing a prescription. We don’t “prescribe” you anything until we do a very thorough Business Analysis.

Once we know what’s going on then we can diagnose the root cause of your business issues and work with you to fix them.

Part of our job is also holding you and your team accountable to completing the tasks that will fix the issues in your business. So if you don’t want to be held accountable then we are not the right company for you. However, if you want us to guide you and ensure that you remove obstacles and achieve goals then we’ll be a great fit.
After doing the Profit Accelerator Business Analysis that is two calls with us, you’ll see exactly what are the problem areas in your business and what you need to fix. So the results from that are pretty much immediate but definitely by the end of the second call.

If you decide to work with us beyond the PABA then we actually deliver a report to you every 90 days that talks about the things we helped you in the business and how it improved your Revenue, Gross Profit, Net Income, and Company Valuation.

You’ll see specifically how we helped you grow the business every single quarter. So in conclusion, you’ll see results with us in the first 90-days after we do the PABA.
We do have a Money Back Guarantee. If you do the Profit Accelerator Business Analysis (PABA) with us and you don’t think it was the right decision for you then we’ll refund your money less the credit card processing fees.

If you decide to work with us beyond the PABA, we also have a Money Back Guarantee. You’ll get to work with us for the first 3 weeks and if you don’t feel like it’s the right solution for your company then again we will refund your money less the credit card processing fees.

We stand behind our work and there this is why we have the guarantees.
Great question. We customize every solution for your agency because every agency is different. Therefore what we do for you is very collaborative. You provide the feedback and numbers to us and then we can help make adjustments to the plan as we see fit. You also tell us what your short and long-term goals are so we’ll help you get to where you want to go. Finally, after we review the numbers with us we will make recommendations for things that we think you need to fix in your agency, but ultimately you can decide what are the priorities.

The only thing we are not flexible about is your work ethic. We only work with agencies (and agency owners) that are willing to do the hard work. There is no shortcut to success and the changes you need to make in the business will require discipline and making hard decisions. We will hold you accountable but we can’t want you to be successful more than you do. If you have the drive, determination, and work ethic then we can do some amazing things.
100%. If you’re struggling with creating the SOPs and Processes to help everyone get things done on-time and on-budget then we have several options to help you accomplish this. Schedule a call and we’ll help you decide which option makes the most sense for you.

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