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Signs a Team Member Is Going to Quit

E98: Signs a Team Member Is Going to Quit

hris shares some of the common issues that team members face that lead them to move out of your agency. He also gives out some of the philosophies that are practiced at BLOOM that will benefit the team and

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The Weekly Leadership Meeting

E96: The Weekly Leadership Meeting

This type of meeting is what I discuss in the third and last episode of the series 3 Meeting You Must Run in Your Agency. I share how we conduct a weekly leadership meeting and what we cover during

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The Weekly Sandwich Meeting

E95: The Weekly Sandwich Meeting

In today’s episode, I talk about the Weekly Sandwich Meeting. It’s the second episode of the three-part series 3 Meetings You Must Run In Your Agency. If you’re excited to jumpstart your weekly meeting or improve the one you’re

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E94: The Daily Deadline Meeting

In today’s podcast episode, I talk about the Daily Deadline Meeting. This episode is the first of the podcast series 3 Meetings You Run In Your Agency. I discuss and share with you the measure of a successful meeting

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