Grow Revenue, Grow Profit, Grow Freedom! Attend Agency Freedom Live in San Diego Dec 5-7

How to Deal with Stubborn Managers

It’s Chris here, and in today’s episode of Operation Agency Freedom, we delved into the art of dealing with stubborn managers and leaders. Whether you’re struggling to get through to a strong-willed manager or striving to enhance your own

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EP134: Cracking the Branding Code

Welcome back to Operation Agency Freedom! Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Cliff Pollard, a branding expert with an intriguing journey. Without a conventional agency background, Cliff has cracked the branding code and shifted the paradigm in his

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EP133: Work Life Balance

Welcome back to Operation Agency Freedom! In today’s episode, I dive deep into the highly debated topic of work-life balance. I explore the various perspectives and opinions swirling around social media and offer a unique take on finding your

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EP131: When To Talk About Politics in Your Agency

Discussing politics and divisive topics in the workplace are tricky since it can damage interpersonal relationships, create anger, divide people, and hurt the overall culture of your company.  Externally, if you take a stand against something as a company

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EP130: Are You Paying Too Little or Too Much

Figuring out how much to pay your team members can be challenging. But it’s crucial to keep them happy and engaged with their work. That’s why I’m going to help you figure out whether you’re paying your team members

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