Live Training
"How to improve client retention so you can
make what you deserve in your digital agency"

by Chris Martinez | CEO @ BLOOM

Do you struggle with keeping clients?

Or a better question is, do you know how many of your clients are leaving you every month?

If you want to solve your client retention problems and double your profitability then watch this Live Training on “How to Improve Client Retention So You Can Make What You Deserve in Your Digital Agency”.

Most agencies struggle with retention and let me be the first to tell you, if your clients are not staying for more than 6 months then you have a MASSIVE CLIENT RETENTION PROBLEM THAT YOU MUST FIX NOW!!!

We work so hard to get clients that it makes no sense to just let them walk out the door 6 months later…it doesn’t make sense to let them walk out the door even a year later!

So on this training we’re going to show you:

  • The Biggest Mistake Agencies are making that is secretly killing your client retention.
  • 3 Keys to creating great client relationships and keeping clients forever.
  • How improving your retention by 5% can more than triple your profitability.
  • How to make more money as an agency owner just by improving retention (you literally don’t even need to bring on more clients).
  • And more

We have been able to slash our customer churn rate by more than half in just 18 months and we’re going to show you exactly how to do this.

And the best part is that when you can slash your churn and improve your retention, then the agency will be more fun and you’ll be making way more money as the owner.

Register  and watch  this amazing training.

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