Do you want to manage your agency’s operations team more effectively?
Managing a team, regardless of size, is always challenging. I know of this dilemma as I went from a small team of 12 to 90 people at BLOOM.
What you’ll need, though, are the right KPIs to make the management of your agency’s operations team possible. These KPIs are essential to track and gauge their performance and find the right solutions when issues arise.
This, then, sets you and your operations team for success, which results in a win for the entire agency.
So if you have an operations team and want to know how to manage them better, pay close attention to what I will share with you in this episode.
Discussion Points:
- 0:00 Introduction
- 2:01 Who comprises the operations team?
- 2:50 The operations team impacts retention
- 3:41 The operations team and CX team collaborate
- 5:03 The role of the operations manager
- 6:00 Data is essential to fix issues
- 7:09 Allow team members to come up with a plan to do better
- 8:17 Setting deadlines and clear objectives
- 10:15 Providing praise and recognition to team members who do well
- 14:33 Hitting deadlines
- 17:10 QA: Provide the best quality of work to clients
- 18:15 Other tasks of the operations manager
- 19:37 The concept of utilization
- 23:27 Helping people advance and get promotions