Our Guest: Ken ‘Spanky’ Moskowitz, CEO of Ad Zombies
In this episode, Ken ‘Spanky’ Moskowitz shares his candid opinions on the condition of the US and the representation of the separation of the American people through social media and the news. Then, he delves into his experience in Russell Branson’s private mastermind, what he gained from Russell’s book Traffic Secrets, and a few valuable hacks for increasing retention and speed with book consumption.
Copy is the bane of every agency’s existence, except for Ad Zombies. Tune in to learn why you shouldn’t fall in love with your copy and how he has efficiently scaled his copywriting business to provide creative content that his customers and consumers love.
Conversation Highlights
- Ken’s opinion on what’s going on in the US
- How Tim framed and developed the daily purpose and drive of his content creation and rebranding
- Valuable hacks for increasing retention and speed with book consumption
- How Ken has scaled and systematized his business to deliver content that people like
Key Podcast Moments
- [02:19] Roundtable Discussion: Ken’s opinion on what’s going on in the US
- [04:40] Roundtable Discussion: How separated are we really? Is the separation that’s being amplified on the news and on social media an accurate representation of the separation amongst the American people?
- [07:27] Roundtable Discussion: How do we bring people back together?
- [09:17] Roundtable Discussion: It’d be difficult to beat Ken if he goes into politics
- [10:26] A story about how Russell Brunson’s private mastermind gave Ken the tools to frame and develop the daily purpose and drive of his content creation and rebranding
- [15:12] We’re so quick to judge: Ken wrote Russell an email to tell him why he hated him
- [17:54] Ken shares valuable hacks for increasing retention and speed with book consumption
- [21:53] How Ken got started with Ad Zombies and how he got to where he is now
- [23:15] How they have scaled their business: Don’t fall in love with your creative, fall in love with the results it produces
- [27:35] Processes Ken uses to systemize his product to deliver something people like
- [31:55] Ken’s special Copywriting Course offer
- [33:25] Best ways to contact Ken + The perfect person to reach out to him today
Magic Marketing Quotes from our Guest
- “You stay sharp, you stay in the game, and your ability to open your mind and make connections happen the more you allow it to happen.”
- “You cannot determine, on a daily basis, how human emotion is going to impact the reception of your creative, so don’t fall in love with your creative, fall in love with the results it produces over a long period of time.”
- “What you believe the audience will resonate with isn’t always right and so when you’re in your head, you’re dead.”
Resources Mentioned
- Traffic Secrets by Russell Branson
- Audible
- Get Words That Sell Anything, the official Ad Zombies Copywriting Course, for just $20.20 (regularly $299) through the end of 2020. Use promo code BLOOM at checkout, or click this link and get your discount automatically applied!
About Our Guest
Ken ‘Spanky’ Moskowitz is a Business Coach, Speaker, Author, Idea Guy, and Creative Driver creating brand awareness, positioning strategies, and growing empires. He’s worked with some of the world’s biggest brands, Coca-Cola, Budweiser, Frito Lay, M&M Mars, ESPN, NBA, NFL, & MLB, plus a bunch of smaller companies you’ve never heard of. He’s currently working with the largest social platforms; Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, as well as e-commerce giant Amazon, providing incredible brand experiences for their global advertising community.
Ken’s ability to write creative, memorable ads, and design branding that connects people, products, and purpose, while building long-term customer relationships is second to none. He is an expert in brand building and a passionate advocate for great branding.
Get in contact with Ken ‘Spanky’ Moskowitz
Follow him and Ad Zombies on all the social media platforms: @adzombies and @spankymoskowitz
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